
ECG Monitoring

Get an overview about global ECG monitoring market, the types of ECG monitors and regulatory requirements for the market.

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UDI Issuing Bodies

Selecting a suitable UDI issuing body meets your requirements.

NMPA Regulation Revision

China’s National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) published the revised regulation on the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices on 19 March 2021

EU Regulatory Basics

Gain a latest insight into the European regulatory framework for medical devices focusing on legal basis, technical documentation and clinical evaluation.


“actor registration module” is live now.

Database Updated

European and Chinese regulatory guidelines for medical devices are fully updated at HengRy Intelligence Database.

Clinical Evaluation

Gain a fundamental insight into the European regulatory Affairs focusing on clinical evaluation.

Technical Doc.

Gain a fundamental insight into the European regulatory framework for medical devices with a focus on technical documentation.

HengRy training

EU Legal Basis
