
Qualify the appropriate suppliers or distributors and render a full range of contractual, regulatory and quality support

Sourcing Services

Buying and selling is a critical components of today’s business life, made especially more so by globalization. At the heart of a buying or selling decision is a right balance of price and quality. But how can we find a proper balance between price and quality when buying and selling? For most consumer goods, the answer may sound simple, namely to find the source for your need while taking into account cultural and regional market diversities. With medical devices, however, there are more steps, such as verification of product approval or certification and agreement on supply quality and etc., before a final deal is struck because medical devices industry is highly regulated.

Our professional team will help you find suitable suppliers or distributors, following the six steps of sourcing workflow. 

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  1. Contact our team by filling up the Contact Form and providing your project plan, stakeholder/product requirements;

  2. We will confirm your request within 24 hours;

  3. We will provide you a list of potential suppliers and/or distributors;

  4. Based on your agreement, we will collect all needed information about the supplier/distributor for your need;

  5. Qualify it through due-diligent review;

  6. Negotiate a condition-favorable supply/distribution agreements.